Please be sure that your child's math HW is returned in their BEE binder every day, and their HW packet is in their binder every Friday.
Fun Run- Our biggest fundraiser of the year is this coming week! We will have an obstacle course Fun Run on September 19, from 8:30-9:15. Your child may wear athletic clothing and shoes on this day. Grade levels are encouraged to wear as much of the same color as possible and our color is red! Try to send your child in as much red clothing and accessories as you can on Thursday, and don't forget to send water! Everyone is encouraged to come cheer on their children, and you don't have to be cleared to be a spectator. However, if you are cleared and would like to help PATS during the event, you can sign up HERE.
Field Trip- Our first Field Trip is to the Bate's Nut Farm on October 25. Field Trip packets were sent home last week. If you have not filled it out, please do so ASAP and make your field trip donation HERE.
Apple Party- In celebration of Johnny Appleseed's birthday, we will have an apple party on September 26. If you signed up HERE to bring an item, feel free to send it any time. If you signed up to volunteer during the event, please get checked in at the office and head to your child's classroom by 1:00.